Dr. Cooper holds a Ph. D. from Yale University and is a former Yale University and Fulbright Fellow. He is currently a Senior Fellow at the Consumer Federation of America, previously he held the role of Director of Research. He focuses on energy, telecommunications, and economic policy analysis. Dr. Cooper is a Fellow at the Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society, an Associated Fellow at the Columbia University Institute on Tele-Information, and a Fellow at The Donald McGannon Communications Center of Fordham University.
He is the author of five books – Open Architecture as Communications Policy (Center for Internet and Society, 2004), Media Ownership and Democracy in the Digital Information Age: Promoting Diversity with First Amendment Principles and Market Structure Analysis (Center for Internet and Society, 2003), Cable Mergers and Monopolies: Market Power in Digital Media and Communications Networks (Economic Policy Institute, 2002), Equity and Energy (Westview, 1983), The Transformation of Egypt (Johns Hopkins, 1982).
He has published numerous articles in trade and scholarly journals including recent law review articles on telecommunications and digital society issues (“Open Communications Platforms: Cornerstone of Innovation and Democratic Discourse in the Internet Age, The Journal of Telecommunications and High Technology Law, 2003; “Inequality in Digital Society,” Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal, 2002; “The Digital Divide Confronts the Telecommunications Act of 1996: Economic Reality versus Public Policy,” in B.M. Compaine (Ed.). The Digital Divide Cambridge: MIT, 2001); “Antitrust as Consumer Protection in the New Economy: Lessons from the Microsoft Case,” Hasting Law Journal, April 2001; and “Open Access to the Broadband Internet,” University of Colorado Law Review, Fall 2000) and energy policy “Regulators Should Regain Control to Prevent Abuses During Scarcity,” Natural Gas, August 2003; “Recognizing the Limits of Markets, Rediscovering Public Interest in Utilities,” in Robert E. Willett (ed), Electric and Natural Gas Business: Understanding It! (Houston: Financial Communications: 2003); “Economics of Power: Heading for the Exits, Deregulated Electricity Markets Not Working Well,” Natural Gas, 19:5, December 2002.
He has provided expert testimony in over 250 cases for public interest clients including Attorneys General, People’s Counsels, and citizen interveners before state and federal agencies, courts and legislators in almost four dozen jurisdictions in the U.S. and Canada.